The Futurist interviewed
During the lockdown, Oona Horx-Strathern lived with three generations under one roof while researching how this experience has changed our attitude to life and work.
In the Slide-interview, she talks about why the 15-minute city is a good idea, what the workplace of the future will look like, and what impact spending more time at home will have on our living quarters.

Senior living of tomorrow
People live longer these days and stay healthy for longer. Across the world, different concepts for old-age living are emerging.
In a double interview, renowned Swiss gerontologist François Höpflinger and Singaporean architect Pearl Chee talk about what seniors want from their place of residence, and the cultural differences between Switzerland and Singapore.

Designing the rooms of the future
What needs do different people have in terms of spaces and how can these needs be met? Hawa invited futurists, trend scouts, architects and students to a workshop to come up with answers to these questions.
The experts contributed their experiences and, together with Hawa, developed concrete ideas for living spaces, offices, and the hospitality sector.
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